Monday, November 24, 2014

Self Promotion…..?

Okay, I am not the most outgoing person (a bit timid) and for me to go into shops on Main Street in Spring Lake and meet strangers-well it took courage.  But you know, I began to feel really good about this adventure.  Eventually I went back to see if the posters were up and most were.  Some of the Shop keepers had to ask the owner, etc.

Seeing posters in the windows of "The Village Tweed", "The Variety Store" and "Jean Louise Candies" gave me a sense of real accomplishment.  I enjoyed the experience mostly because I rode my bike and I used my acting class skills to conjure a character who fit the scenario.  The most gratifying thing is to see my talent on display for all to enjoy.  You should have seen the clerk's faces when I showed them the poster.  Their faces lit up like children when they are most happy and content.  Maybe I transported them back to a time when life was easier and they might have had a dog like "Jimmy Jack".

I guess in a way I did my good deed for the day, being a former "Life" Boy Scout.  In the end I am promoting happiness and good feelings. Assisting those to find "happy places" in their lives to reflect upon. P.T. Barnum I am not, I am just Todd-timid-Potter but sure that I am doing something good on this earth while I walk and ride it.

(A BIG Thanks to Kathleen Choe for creating the Posters and the clip below-she has been awesome and so supportive.  Hey I cannot do all this by myself!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What do I wear?

I am working on a job out of town, Springfield Missouri.  I have been painting, and tonight building parts of my set I designed.  I reacquainted myself with sawdust and shop dirt-not to mention "shop buggers".  And I am about to run out of clothes.  I am having the dilemma that my book character "Jimmy Jack" is having; although his is due to vanity.  "What do I wear?"  I am running out of clothes and no time to wash things.  Tonight I bought some Woolite and I plan to wash all my quick-drying things tomorrow morning and hang them up.  I just don't have the time in my schedule to go to a laundry-mat. And I hate running around smelling like the shop and general dust/dirt.  

I will resort to the bathtub like I do when out of town on a ride or race.  Put my wet clothing in  a towel.  Roll it up and then twist it to squeeze out excess water.  This works great and my kits and base layers dry fast.  So, in a day I will not have a fashion crisis like "Jimmy Jack".  He is worried about his appearance on his first day of his new job.  I am concerned about looking neat and clean; not homeless.

By the way, this past Monday I sent my book; "Jimmy Jack Gets a New Job" to the printers to create a hard and soft back version.  I will check quality and color matching.  If all goes according to schedule, I should have books by mid December to sell.  I am so excited.  I have worked on this on and off for 2 years.  Cannot wait!