Friday, December 19, 2014

The Out Takes....

Now that "Jimmy Jack Gets a New Job" is out and a second printing is in the works I thought I would post some of the images that were not used.  I did a considerable amount of drawing to get things just like I wanted-I am particular or just peculiar.  These drawings represent maybe 2nd to 3rd generations of drawings done on trace paper.  I hope you enjoy.
 My Friend Todd Ivins will enjoy the one above-inside joke.

  I loved that TV when I was a kid, circa 1972.

 Kathleen Choe's personal FAV

  This could be used again for sure.

I really like this one as it was one of the "new jobs" Jimmy Jack was dreaming of in anticipation of the job his Pops would assign him.

Stay tuned, In late February I should have the second story about Jimmy Jack ready to go. Keep your fingers CX'd and wish me luck.

HaPpY HoLiDaYs!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ixmas Cards

I love making my own "Ixmas Cards".  I get tons of joy out of creating them.  I have stuck to a tradition of NYC based themes.  This is one of my FAVs but aren't they AWL.

Love to draw and paint/render, whatever you want to call it.  This idea of art came from my love of the "Peanuts" Comic Strip.  At one time as a young boy I started developing a dog like Snoopy as a character.  Well days have gone by along with the years and now I have a wonderful gift of joy to spread with my book "Jimmy Jack Gets a New Job".  I am excited about the many possibilities and blessings that might come from sharing my gift with you.  

I am currently working on this years Holiday Card.  Hopefully it will arrive soon in your mailbox or on FB.  But until then, spread the "glad tidings of Joy and Peace".