Monday, January 26, 2015

Free n' Clear-Ready to Roll-

Most of you know that I am an Open Heart Surgery Survivor.  But for those who do not know the story I will keep it short.
The Story-  
In January of 2007 I went in to have a Echo cardiogram on my heart to see why I had a murmur.  They found out I had a bicuspid Aorta Valve and it the Aorta "hose" was dilated three times it size in one spot.  I was born with a birth defect hidden deep inside and a real killer.  Your Aorta Valve is normally tricuspid.  So, I am in the hospital for my first major surgery-EVER-scheduled for the 25th of January 2007.  The Thoracic Surgeon postponed until the 26th to have a rested crew and I was to be the first in and out of the "OR". 
It is a real "hellacious" surgery, but has its merits as they can turn your heart off and put you on a machine while they repair areas and change the valves.  They get your body really cold and then the pit crew comes and and away they go.  As my Mother said (she was a Nurse), "they are going to crack you open like a Lobster!"  Dealt with her usual no "messing around" tone and the dose of tough love I have grown to respect.
Not wished on Anyone.  It is ever so tough and consuming.  Stay germ free and incident free and you are golden, but ever so tired.  You think going all out at a CX race is tough.  Well think about me getting tired just talking on the phone for 5 minutes-TIRED!  So when I am at the finish line of a race and everyone is maxed out-I am thinking, this is not so bad.  But then again I made a deal with Dr. Franklin-Stein my Cardiologist to manage my heart rate and keep it under 170 for a long period of time, I am not going to win any races.  Oh and don't shovel snow.

So I got my annual CT Scan last week where they inject you with this dye. It gives a very distinct image of the heart as it courses through your veins like a very warm rush.  It is surprising how you feel warmth in areas that are extreme. You are on a bed/pallet that is slid through a machine like a Donut.  And they take images of your chest.   This, I will do for the remainder of my life along with taking "rat poison"-Coumadin-to thin my blood for easy passage through my metal Aorta valve.  Think about it, your heart never stops working unless it is time to roll on to the next stage.

I got a call today from the Thoracic Surgeon's office and I am good to go for another year.  Hallelujah, 8 years and rolling!  I fret over this until I get the news; I cannot bear the thought of a problem inside that needs to be repaired or replaced.  And to stare down the mental and emotional prep of another surgery and slow recovery, exhausting to think about.  

I am sure Cancer patients, after they have kicked that disease in the face go through the same process as me.  It is a head game that makes you uncomfortable, as you want to be well and free, no worries no challenges to overcome.  Living Scan to Scan is not a life, but it is a necessity for some-I know by experience.

So God has blessed me again this 8th anniversary and I am truly thankful that I can continue to spend my time with my lovely Wife and my little friend-the Pupperooni.  Oh yes and my friends, don't forget them.  

So I am cleared to train and race.  If you see me at a race or ride, you know my story.  I might not be the fastest.  I might not have tons of power.  But I got a lot of heart.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Draw Draw Draw"

HaPpY NeW YeAr!  if I have not seen you in person.  I wanted to thank AWL for purchasing my first book "Jimmy Jack Gets a New Job".  I really appreciate the support and feedback.  I am in the process of starting the second book "Jimmy Jack Gets his Name".  The story will go back into his early days, so we will see a Pup version-which will be hard to illustrate.  Not really but just different than the usual I have been drawing for years.  In fact if you look at all the cards and illustrations I have done with "JJ" in the composition; well he surely has transformed.

And that brings me to the process of illustrations I do.  The above final "cartoon" is a composite of 2 different drawings I created-the Car and "JJ" and Pete his little brother.  Thanks to the technology of a scanner and the use of PhotoSTOP!, it makes my job a bit easier.  Much like I do when creating a Set Design.  In the old days we stood at a copy machine using percentage of enlargements and reductions to get the right proportions.  That seemed like a great tool also, but now I have all that at home in the studio.  However I do miss my days hanging at Kinkos or the local copy store.  A real criteria for me when looking for an apartment was; is there a copy store near, blueprint shop, 1-hour photo (boy that dates me), closest Art Supply Store and how far the subway stations.  Forget about the comfort of the apartment or if it is a 4th floor or 6th floor walk-up.  In fact I miss walking up those 9 inch risers at the building on 45th Street, 348 to be exact.  Gr-8! New York apartment and location, what a blessing!

So now that I have things right at my finger tips I can work faster and play around with things to get the best visual results.  Alas it does not make the drawing process faster-but I enjoy the pencil drawing, then the refinements and finally the "inking" of the drawing.  My FAV pen right now is the Paper Mate-Flair in Black.  My newest find is the Sharpie Pen Fine point; I use that to sign your books if I signed one for you.

And by the way, if you have not purchased a copy of the first book-well I have 90 of them waiting to be shipped.  I will even sign it any way you want, your choice.  I am selling them for $19 + Shipping $7.  $26 greenbacks will get you a personally signed copy and I will donate $1 to Rescue Ridge in Monmouth County NJ.  They rescued "Cairo" from the kill floor at the ASPCA.  Now we have our dear little friend and I cannot think of life with out that little pup and joyful energy.

Who knows, some day there will be a story about her and where she came from.  We think she ran away from the circus.