It has been a long time since I wrote anything. I stopped partly because I got busy with work and the other reason is I lost interest and confidence in my "voice". Yes, yes, yes I know-my glove was too big, the sun is in my eyes and the ball hit a rock.
See I was the guy who wasn't listening in English/Literature class, goofing off and having a good time. I was going to play football or baseball in college and why did I need to know how to write. WRONG! It has been "AWL" about communication written and oral ever since High School. And yes Mrs. Brown [my English teacher my Junior Year of HS], I should have joined a circus, because this clown was not listening.
So I am back and I have ideas and observations to "ponder".
My image is the beginning of the annual Holiday card which turned into a New Year's card due to circumstances out of my control. Well okay there was that stint the past few weeks when my life was in a bottle of cheap wine drowning my sorrows and misfortunes. NOT!!! I have been busy healing my mind-body-soul and wondering how life will treat my Parental Units as they grow older. We have lost a couple of people from our immediate family this past year. One of which I will miss because I "got" their sense of humor and "take" on life's little crazy idiosyncrasies. He was fun and always had a clever quip to say. You know the Court Jester was the most intelligent of the reigning royal family or governing body. I hope he has a piano to play in the after life and a group of people gathered around signing familiar tunes.
But back to my image. My wife chose "The Upper Room" by Ned Smyth here in Battery Park City. It is also very Biblical in that is where Christ served "the Last Supper". So In a way it really is Easter card, a revelation of what is to come in the New Year. Whatever! And here is where "Todd being Todd" kicks in: I just like the sculpture and form, you know it is Art-a respite on the Esplanade-Art form and function. I never gave a thought about the name tying into a Biblical connection until I had 2 glasses of Prosecco. Much good Sunday School or Art History critiques sessions did for the shaping of this mind. Frankly, I just like the sculpture. The "pups" look so good in the setting-Jimmy Jack, Benedict and Cairo. When I was planning the Holiday Card the dogs would have been "the Three Wise men" from afar. Which could lead me into a joke my Father tells about the Wise men and Firemen, but I won't go there. So I hope you enjoy my image and forget the rambling. Remember I was not listening in English/Literature classes. There you have it.