Friday, September 19, 2014

Who Rescued Who?

I bet you have seen the bumper sticker that states, "Who Rescued Who".  Well I can relate.

I met this small, shy rescue right after one of my first Cyclocross races.  She was timid and was looking to get back to her comfort spot in the kennel.  She had been snatched from the killing floor at the ASPCA in Monmouth County.  Nobody had claimed her after she was found roaming around NJ Highway 34.  She had been out on the run or dumped for at least 3 weeks.  I knew that when my wife saw her and held her, it was over with-she was coming home as soon as possible.  And I have to admit I was smitten with her shy charm and slight interest.  That is her personality, cautious when meeting strangers and reluctant to be left behind.

Now Cairo (we named her after Miguel Cairo the utility infielder), seems like she has been with us since she was born.  The Pupperooni as I call her is full of joy and has a big appetite for such a small little pup. She can talk and purr when she wants to be noticed.  Cairo loves to play in the morning and at night.  And totally sleeps most of the day, sometimes with one eye open-not to miss anything.  At 8:45 pm she is in her bed ready to take a long snooze--boy can she snore.

For me Cairo can do anything-she is a Gr-8! friend, quiet when I am working, a playmate, a  security alarm, supportive at the races and she spreads joy to all who see this eternal puppy; as we say.  Most of all she is has the ability to make me happy like a child.  I whistle a tune she knows when I am riding and doing painful intervals to take my mind to a state of fun.  I think of her in tough situations.  I feel her presence when I am alone and out of town.  If she was a human I am sure she would be a world class athlete, musician, great state-person, and a healer.

Yes, on that November day; that started with peanut butter mud, high grass and a huge effort for a man just 1 year and 8 months after open heart surgery-I met a friend for life.  The Pupperooni soothes my soul and heals my mental wounds.  She has the ability to forget and move on to a "happy place" not dwelling on the negative.  This is something I am learning from her to make my life more bountiful and enriched with positive energy, always moving forward.  

She rescued Me.  And it is a work in progress.

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