Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rewards!?!  I have so many reward points for Credit Cards and Hotel Clubs and never cash these in.  Why?  Well it takes so much time to find something that fits the price range and they always show you something you really want, but no enough points to purchase.  This is such a scam.  But I sign up because I supposedly am saving money.  Well I say as I check out at "the Art Store on Bond Street Dick Blick slash Utrecht", "going broke saving money".

The Pupperooni hears the word Reward and she thinks Treats and so did 'Jimmy Jack' you see above.  We AWL look forward to Rewards/Treats in life and they are hard to earn and slow to cash in for the goodies.  Life is full of Rewards/Treats if you slow it down and breathe.  Take for instance a lazy day with your significant other or good friend, enjoying the slow pace reading the  NY Times and sipping coffee; a leisurely morning.  Or the hour after work at night when AWL are home and just relaxing sipping a glass of wine and talking about plans for the weekend or accomplishments at work. 

Life can be a huge Treat and Reward when you take the time to slow the pace down and enjoy the simplicity of it all.  It is like fishing early in the morning and it is you, nature and the sound of the water that lulls you into a zen state of mind.  The air is cleaner as you breathe and all your cares in life are miles away.  Now that is the way to travel through life.  Amen.

If  you like the illustration above, it is one of 30 in a book I wrote for children soon to be out for the public.                                  "Jimmy Jack Gets a New Job"

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