Saturday, July 13, 2019

TDF One, Melissa 5....

“First week of TDF complete, 
Fifth week our Our Tour begins”

Can you believe it has been a month?  Well we are starting week five with some very small gains, Gr-8!.  Today Melissa was taken off the ventilator and put on the “trach collar”. She breathes on her own with some moist oxygen flow. She has been on that since 12 noon which is a record right now for her.  Although she may get a bit tired and they will put her back on the vent to assist if need be. Let’s hope she can keep the record going.

She is coughing up gunk from her throat  through the “trach”.  Good thing. She sat in a BIG Comfy lounge chair for about 4 1/2 hours to get those lungs to expand and contract.  BP is good and her oxygen level is 100%. One of the Care Team members said she was laughing at what was on the TV, of course not audibly, but physically.  Good job M!

Still lethargic at times due to the brain pressure.  She has her bright moments and then tired moments. When I came in this morning she was resting with Wimbledon on the TV; sure it was one of the nurses choices not hers.  She does not have the motor skills to do that right now.  She watched the Tour de France Stage after Wimbledon; I made the choice.  We follow that every year; it is one of the things we enjoy together.  I make her cheat sheets of the team jerseys so she knows who is on what team. OR she is only being polite and enjoying it because I do. OR she is hoping that I continue to sharpen my Photoshop skill. Definitely had a good day today and yesterday based on the past few weeks.

After talking to the doctor in charge of the floor today, there are some things WE still need to focus on. 
1.  Bringing that inner brain pressure down to normal levels.  Work that—really focus on that.
2.   White blood cell count was a bit up and needs to be normal.
3.   NO MORE ventilator, she needs to breathe with the collar on and if they are confident she can move to the next step in breathing.
4.   Bring on the motor skills—get those arms and legs stronger and more coordinated.

So inner brain pressure, white blood cell count, breathe with out the ventilator, motor skills.
Alright, there you have it.

* #breathe #patience #faith/positive-thoughts (remember whatever guides you) #marathon (full or half???)
**a French rider is in the maillot jaune now with Bastille Day tomorrow—Vive la France!

1 comment:

  1. Vive la Melissa! Vive le Todd! Thank you! All good news! Happy Bastille Day!
