Monday, June 24, 2019

It’s AWL in the numbers....

1’s and 2’s and back....

We finished Day 1 with a procedure which rendered 1 liter of fluid off a lung.  For those soda drinkers, that is one of the BIG plastic bottles of liquid sitting in your frig or pantry. Shouldn’t it be bottle or am I assuming if there is 1 there is 2.  WHOA!  A former colleague, Rita, drank a bottle of Diet Coke every day. Maybe that is why she was full of crazy energy.

Melissa shows some progress in areas and they are trying to see if they can ease her off  certain procedures and machines.  They got rid of 1 EEG machine, 1 cooling blanket machine and my favorite the chest vest that shakes you to break up the lung “goo”, yech!  Oh and the heating blanket that looks like a pool raft hooked up to your vacuum canister.

Melissa has 2 new nurses, one new Patient Care Associate and the hospital doctor visited her twice, Dr. Park.

No big events today, no fever and some awakening with recognition.  She pointed feebly   towards me and wanted me by her bed side like the “God Father” Don Corleone scene in the hospital.  I am pretty sure she said something about exterminating our arthropod residents in the Studio. Pesky things trying to take over our territory.

Remember small steps, marginal gains, process [mantra].  Got to get her breathing with the “nose-hose”, for a lack of a better term—get the tube out of the throat and try to swallow so the feeding tube comes out of nose.  And get the brain ventricle drain tube out.  3 tubes and add a “nose-hose”.

That would be the goal this week.  But it is 1 step at a time, it is up to her body to tell the Team what it can and will tolerate, they are trying I can assure you.

We may be doing the Texas 2-step this week.  Grab your Stetson and your Roper boots.

1 comment:

  1. Sending you lots of love, good vibes, and tail wags. Jessie, Ryan and the canine crew.
