Sunday, June 30, 2019

"I only want to be with you"

I thought of the Bay City Rollers today.  Some of you might remember this band from the mid 70's.  They had some good tunes to dance to at the "discotheque".  [HAH]  Hey they were fun and AWL that suggested plaid in their "outfits"/costumes.  Don't forget the hair, also, nicely coiffed.  My roommate in College, Dave had some of their records/LPs.  For those younger people, they were big black Compact Disks we put on a turntable with a stylist on it.  It followed the grooves in the record as its pinned and sound magically was transmitted through external speakers.  Yes, now that was a real "tin can with a string", but it worked and entertained us AWL.

Not only did the song "I only want to be with you" have some significance, but today was the roller-coaster ride WE need to expect.  For you who follow the "Yo-Yo" you will understand.  There is not much you can do on either--up and down really; a fun thrill or not.  It can either take your breathe away (pardon the pun) or fill you with glee.  Some of us are too old for the roller coaster rides at Fun Parks or Carnivals.  You outgrow the mundane task of manipulating the "Yo-Yo".  I have no choice and this is what I have before me and also the main protagonist of OUR focus; Melissa.  

I understand the process the Care Team has prescribed for her, but all the pieces and "signs" must be in place to get to the next step.  I know she will hit the goals they set forth and off we go to the next Act or Chapter.  I thought today would be a step ahead, it was a small step and then put on hold.  Melissa and I tried to communicate; once again reading lips is a REAL skill.  Sometimes I might as will be talking to Cairo because she tries to communicate but I don't understand.  It is frustrating for AWL.  Of course if I give Cairo a treat then, well, I am forgiven.  Maybe she is telling me I need to invest in something in the stock market.

So maybe when time comes, Melissa will read these short reports and know that "I only want to be with you" [her].  I am selfish.  But when you find the right person in life you cannot let go of how much input they have in the making of you--a continual work in progress also on that roller coaster or "Yo-Yo" string. 

** I did not think I would write anything today/night. but this is at times is my therapy.  I have no Mother or Father to w[h]ine to.  I can burden my Brother and Sister, they're awesome and very supportive; we have a tight bond applied many years ago as children growing up.  I don't have a pastor.  No psychologist or psychiatrist; too smart for them, proven many years ago.  So this gives me peace, plus reading the "Daily Bread" and thinking of those wonderful healing stories in the Bible.
For your pleasure:

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for these updates and I hang on to your every word Todd. These sad news about our Melissa have left me stunned and all I am able to do is await your next update, meditate, pray, light candles and sigh.

    Thank you for letting me be by her side through your accounts.

    Love and light to AWL
